Tuesday 24 November 2009

Dewdrop Craftz have a new digi release

And aren't they fabulous! If you're looking for something a bit different or fancy a change pop on over to check them out!


Nikki has kindly given me The Traveller to play with, I think he looks really mysterious so watch this space for him coming to life sometime soon!

Check out Christmas Macot too, she's a real cutie pie, Jana has coloured her in so you can see her in her glory!


Jana M. said...

I think The Traveller is one of my favorites. I love all the new release images.

Leah l'Orange said...

i can't wait to see what you've done with The Traveller, Vixy! there are some fabulous images there - i love "i feel ill". the free digis are fabulous, too!